由于格斗机器人运动经过了二十多年的发展,机器人的类型可以说是五花八门,形态各异,基本已经达到了百花齐放的地步,而且不同类型的机器人也出现了不断融合演变的情况,所以下面的分类使用的是维基百科上对combat robot这一词条中对格斗机器人武器分类的描述,虽然种类数量稍多,语言体系也来自英文世界,用中文来看不是特别简明,但正好也可以借此了解一下英文世界的人们对格斗机器人类型是如何区分的。这些看上去有点奇怪且不易理解的名词背后,恰恰自述了格斗机器人运动的历史与演变。中文名我大多选择了中文世界常用的名词,有些不太好对应的,我就借助google翻译自行解决或留空了。 Rammer 中文:冲撞型 Robots employing high-power drive trains and heavy armor are able to use their speed and maneuverability to crash into their opponent repeatedly with hope of damaging weapons and vital components. Their pushing power may also be used to shove their opponent into arena hazards. Rammers (AKA ‘Bricks’) typically have four or six wheels for traction and stability and are often designed to be fully operational when inverted. Because modern rulesets require all robots to have a moving weapon, modern rammers are equipped with other weapon types. Robot Wars Series 6 champion Tornado and Series 7 runner-up Storm II were effective rammers. Tornado(龙卷风) DUCK Wedge 中文:楔形铲 Simil